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international show

 the farcitrolls 

Trio burlesque strolling and interactive

Between the men of Neandertal and the homo sapiens, there is an unknown branch of the evolution: Farcitrolls! Half-men, half-trolls, these creatures evolved in the lapse of memory since the night of times and create their own civilization. But, in front of upsets caused by the Men, it is high time for them to leave anonymity and to come to assistance to their distant cousins. That’s why the eminent professor Pinpol (famous scientist Troll) accompanies his two disciples, Banbol and Zozol, in order to make them discover the world of the human beings. The subjectof study relates to the similarities and differences which can exist between the two species. This is why Farcitrolls travel the world such likeglobe walkers sent by the 4 elements of nature to warn the Men of the danger which threatens them. But above all, it is necessary for them to study the human beings for better knowing them and to try to understand their devastator behavior opposite planet. Farcitrolls use the universal language of gestures but are ready to reproduce some specific rudiments of language for each country which enables them to enter in communication everywhere.

With a completely original visual, Farcitrolls stroll around, are peaceful, funny, touching and terribly engaging.

 the mimes 

Tribute to the actors of silent movies (Buster Keaton, mime Marceau or Jean-Louis Barraultin “les enfants du Paradis”), our Mimes named Elegant, Marceau or Waiter will welcome you by their funny attitude, gracious posture and mimics.

They will make you laugh and wonder thanks to their fairy world with no words and their poetic silence.

No hesitation to discover our three interactive strolling mimes as well for children!

 the photomen 

"When human being becomes human seeing"


Half men, half camera, the Photomen see the world through their lens-head. They walk slowly in the middle of the crowd, stop for a "selfie" and  unfold their lightning-umbrella. They move with electro, jazz, lounge music. In our narcissistic society they look at you and hope you will look at them. 


So fashion, so friendly, so interactive...

 the rabbit's postmen 

Félicien, Marcel and Roger are three rabbit brothers straight out of their fantastic burrow, and have taken it upon themselves to be messengers and servants throughout the events for which they have been hired. Unlike the rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland", who dives into his burrow to join the imaginary world, our factor rabbits come out of their shelter to meet humans, bringing with them their own world. By turns wacky, fearful, zany, intriguing, with body language to communicate and music to accompany them, they bring joy to everyone by delivering your messages and their good humor.

They're on duty all year round, for themes such as the environment, nature, markets, Easter, Christmas, Heroic Fantasy... And with all this work, they've convinced other congeners to join them in this human adventure, which is why 6 of them can be found for an event. And don't hesitate to invite the Jumpin'carottes to accompany them on a colorful and festive stroll! 

In trio or sextet, Les Lapins Facteurs will have you jumping for joy !

DEs prestations
à la carTE

Fort de notre expérience depuis plus de 25 ans en tant que prestataire de service dans le domaine de l’animation événementielle (soirées de gala, séminaires d’entreprises, inaugurations, salons professionnels, lancements de produits, mariages, anniversaires, événements privés, …) et du spectacle vivant (festival de théâtre de rue, carnavals, fêtes de la ville, manifestations culturelles, …), nous pouvons intervenir avec plusieurs équipes et créer à la demande des personnages, canulars, animations déambulatoires interactives et des spectacles sur mesure selon vos attentes ! De nombreuses formules sont disponibles ! 

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